MU students set to race hydrogen car

Out of all the stories I wrote while working at the Columbia Missourian as a health, science and environment reporter, this was probably the one with which I had the most fun. After hearing from one of the convergence journalism professors that the Mizzou Hydrogen Car Team (with his son as mechanical team leader) was about to race in its first vehicle, my editor had me ask some team members about it.

This quickly led to me hanging out in their shop for an evening, talking to everyone I could about the three years of work that brought all of them to this point. As a member of one of MU's other student design teams, I'd seen them around the basement of Engineering Building West, but I'd never had the opportunity to really talk to them about what they were doing. Having that common ground really helped some of the team members get past the camera and Marantz both slung around my neck and tell me about the team's story.